IPP Europe

Getting started, Setting up the portal

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Setting up the Merchant Portal in Amazon Web Services, is fairly easy and straight forward.

  • Log in to your Amazon Web Services account
  • Make sure to use the Frankfurt (eu-central-1) region.
  • Launch a new EC2 instance
    • Application and OS Images: Choose ‘IPP Gateway Merchant admin’ from list
    • Key pair: Create a new one, or use one of your existing ones.
    • Network settings: Create a Security Group, and allow traffic on HTTP and HTTPS

When the instance is running, takes a few minutes, use the Public IPv4 adress for portal login.

Setting up the portal on the IPv4 adress

  • Define the following information to a personalized portal
    • Portal title
    • Administrative e-mail
    • Standard Currency for the portal
    • Portal URL to be ( the URL needs to be owned by you)
  • Connectivity details, is to be found in your ‘Welcome to IPP Europe!’ email
    • Partner ID
    • Partner Key 1
    • Partner Key 2

The portal is now ready for use.

Login in as a PSP/PayFac the first time you use the portal.